Lance Grover

Lance Grover

Headless install Raspberry Pi Zero W

Posted date:

Everyone needs a little computer to…well….leave places…

Here comes the raspberry Pi Zero W

I use Linux as my desktop so…you will have to translate if you are unfortunate and have to use something else…

First download a lite Raspberry image:

Unzip it and copy it to an SD card:
# dd if=2019-07-10-raspbian-buster-lite.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512k

Now, remove your SD card and plug it back in so you can mount the boot partition

by default there is no ssh enabled…so this fixes that:
# cd /media/you/boot
# touch ssh

Now you need to setup the network….also in the boot partition
# vim wpa_supplicant.conf

ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev


Ok, unmount it….

Plug it into your raspberry Pi and power it on! Now, if you control your DHCP server it will show up as a hostname of raspberry and you can ssh into it, user of pi password of raspberry