Lance Grover

Lance Grover

Installing Fusion-io/Sandisk ioDrive2 drivers on CentOS7 with LUKS encryption

Posted date:

I was working on a Mongo database server that was going to be running a Fusion-io/Sandisk ioDrive2 card for wicked speed, and also needed to do on disk encryption…fun task.  I am using CentOS7 and ioDrive2 drivers version 3.2.10.  I wanted auto mounting of the space, so I can have the services start on reboot (after putting in the LUKS password).

1. download drivers from (may need to make account first) (in this case v 3.2.10)

2. # tar xvf fusionio-files-*.tar
3. # uname -r (now check the binary available does it match your kernel? – mine did not)
4. # cd fusionio-files-*/ioDrive2/Linux_centos-7/3.2.10/Software\ Source
5. # rpmbuild –rebuild iomemory-vsl-
6. # cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
7. # yum install iomemory-vsl-3.10.0*.rpm iomemory-vsl-config-3.10.0-*.rpm iomemory-vsl-source-3.2.10*.rpm
8. # cd ~/fusionio-files-*/ioDrive2/Linux_centos-7/3.2.10/Utilities/
9. # yum install fio*.rpm
10. # yum install lib*.rpm
11. # mkdir /var/lib/mongo
12. # modprobe iomemory-vsl
13. # dmesg (to vierify that the device was found)

**** now setup LUKS encryption ****

14. # cryptsetup -y create iomongo /dev/fioa
15. # mkfs.xfs /dev/mapper/iomongo
16. # mount /dev/mapper/iomongo /var/lib/mongo
17. # vim /etc/crypttab
add the line:
iomongo /dev/fioa none
18. # vim /etc/sysconfig/iomemory-vsl
uncomment the following:
modify and add the mount points
19. # reboot
(verify everything comes up – notice if you have other LUKS encrypted devices and you use the same password on all of them, you will only be asked once for a password and all your devices should work)